Entertaining the Shuswap since 1977!

Our Vision

Community enrichment • Diverse and inspiring live entertainment • opportunities for creative dramatic experience

Auditions for Hilda’s Yard

Posted on September 1, 2021 in General News, Member News

Are you excited? We are! After months of a silent stage, we’re ready to open the doors to live audiences! We were hoping for no restrictions on capacity but that has been thwarted, at least for now. Important:  Covid regulations will be observed. Scroll down for the current details.  Our first production of the 2021/22 […]

Shuswap Theatre Wins Covid Pivot Awards

Posted on August 26, 2021 in General News, Member News

Theatre BC has awarded Shuswap Theatre three Pandemic Pivot Awards which recognize innovation and creativity in continuing to do theatre amid the challenges of Covid-19.   Theatre on the Edge (TotE Fest 2021) received an award for the most fun and innovative instructional video on how to watch a live zoom/youtube performance. Congratulations to Marcus and […]

Kids’ Musical Theatre Video

Posted on August 26, 2021 in General News

We’re pleased to announce the completion of a highly successful Musical Theatre for Kids Program in July. Sixteen talented and motivated kids, led by three capable teachers put together a musical theatre event that nearly sold out three performances. Watch this two minute video put together as a thank you to our major funder, the […]

Walkabout Theatre Cancelled

Posted on July 30, 2021 in General News

We are sorry to announce that our planned return of Walkabout Theatre will not be happening this year due to a lack of entrants to perform. We also have concerns about the prevalence of smoke in the air which might still be with us in late August.  We have not let go of this idea and […]

Dead Men Don’t Do Radio Plays

Posted on April 16, 2021 in General News

  By Allison Williams, directed by Julia Body Did you miss this hilarious radio drama? Or perhaps you would like to hear it again. Well, you’re in luck! Listen to it right here:       Episode One:  Dead Men Don’t Carry Handbags   Episode Two: Dead Men Don’t Jaywalk   Steve Powell is the radio star […]

Farewell, Lois Archer-Duell

Posted on April 13, 2021 in General News

We are saddened to learn of the recent death (April 4, 2021) of long-time Shuswap Theatre member, Lois Archer-Duell. Lois played the role of Gladys in A Red Plaid Shirt, our last pre-Covid production in March, 2020. Her bio for that show read: Encouraged by a friend’s dare and two glasses of wine, Lois stepped […]