Operation Facelift

Design Team member, Kim MacMillan, holds a model of the facade in front of a sample of the material tacked onto the building. Drive by to check it out.
We are excited to announce that we have exceeded our Operation Facelift goal. With what we have received in donations, sponsorships and grants, along with $10,000 from our own reserves, we now have the funds to complete this exciting project. As with all such projects we won’t know the final costs until the job is done.
The design team has been working with designer Warren Welter to create an exciting new look. A key goal has been to make it obvious to anyone looking at the building that live theatre happens here. Red, corrugated metal will be installed in waves or folds to mimic the appearance of stage curtains framing the restored wood doors, enhanced with theatre lighting instruments. The goal is simplicity and elegance.
What is it? Operation Facelift, is an ambitious, but necessary, project to replace and upgrade the front of our building. The ravages of time have made renovation essential, but we want to not only replace deteriorating materials, but to give our theatre a striking and beautiful exterior that reflects the creativity and imagination that patrons experience inside. Over the years, Salmon Arm has become a much more beautiful and dynamic city and we want Shuswap Theatre to be a proud part of that.
The project will unfold in three phases:
- Removal of the torn and faded awning –completed.
- Removal of the rest of the facade – partially completed.
- Moving of the electrical supply cables so they are no longer visible from outside.
- Replace the deteriorating 1980s cedar siding with modern, fire resistant metal siding, while modernizing the appearance with a bolder design which announces to the world that this is live theatre. We will replace the structurally unsound external staircase with code-compliant metal stairs and deck.
We anticipate the project will be completed by the end of June, 2023.
A Huge Thank You to Our Sponsors and Donors