April 29 – May 1
May 5–8
May 12–14
Matinees 1:30 • Evenings 7:30
Pay What You Can Thursday – May 5
Cash only at the door, no advance tickets
The Gravitational Pull of Bernice Trimble
By Beth Graham
Directed by Julia Body
Seen through the eyes of a young woman, this warm hearted drama could be taking place in kitchens anywhere. Bernice Trimble, mother of three grown children, is the centre of this family’s universe, and when serious illness threatens, her children cope with it in opposite ways, especially when confronted with her terrible decision. Will this loving family survive the resulting conflict intact?
Mature themes, some strong language
The Gravitational Pull of Bernice Trimble is presented by special arrangement with the Playwrights Guild of Canada.


February 11–13
February 17–20
February 24–26
Matinees 1:30 • Evenings 7:30
Pay What You Can Thursday
One only – February 17
Cash only at the door, no advance tickets
Love Letters
By A. R. Gurney
Directed by Kim MacMillan
This Pulitzer Prize nominated play is a tender, tragicomic, and nuanced examination of the shared memories, missed opportunities, and deep closeness of two lifelong, complicated friends.
When Andrew Makepeace Ladd III accepts an invitation to Melissa Gardner’s birthday party, and Melissa writes a thank-you note in return, a romantic friendship and correspondence is born, destined to last for half a century. Both from affluent, East Coast families (Melissa has more money, but Andy has better parents) the friends communicate with each other through angst-ridden boarding school experiences, European adventures, failed marriages, and the ups and downs of career. Despite painful differences they remain each other’s most trusted confidante, and are “true lovers” on paper, if not on the earth.
Love Letters is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York.


October 29–
November 13
Hilda’s Yard
A Comedy by Norm Foster
Directed by Chris Iversen
This delightful comedy features Hilda, a quirky and loveable mother of two adult children who is looking forward to beginning an exciting “empty nester” lifestyle along with her husband Sam. Set in 1956, the story reveals Hilda’s trials and strength managing a family in total chaos despite the antiquated “homemaker” expectation of a mother at that time. Join us for this hilarious play to open Shuswap Theatre’s return to live theatre!
Hilda’s Yard is presented by arrangement with Playwrights Canada Press.
December 10–19
Fridays 7:00 pm
Saturdays 1:30 & 7:00 pm
Sundays 1:30 pm
Adults $15, Kids 5-12 $7
The Coyotes’ Christmas
By Peter Anderson
Directed by Howard deLong
When three hungry coyotes disguised as shepherds (in a futile effort to catch sheep) are told by an angel that “unto you is born this day the Lamb of God”, they set out to steal the lamb, not realizing it is the baby Jesus. This is a funny, cheeky romp through the traditional Christmas story. 45 minutes.
You may have seen this play at the Caravan Farm Theatre’s annual Christmas show and sleigh ride. Peter Anderson has written and acted in many of the Caravan’s most popular plays.
The Coyotes’ Christmas is presented by special arrangement with the Playwrights Guild of Canada.