Sponsorship Packages
Sponsoring a Mainstage Production
Sponsorships have always been an important part of funding for the arts. It’s a recognition of the crucial role the arts play in the health and vitality of a community. We are fortunate to be supported by a growing number of local businesses who believe both in the importance of the arts and the value to their businesses of giving public support. It’s a great way of showing customers and clients that you are giving back to your community.
For each of our three mainstage productions, Shuswap Theatre offers 3 levels of Show Sponsorship. Each level offers different degrees of exposure which enhance the public image of the sponsoring business and contribute to the cultural health of the community. If you’d like to know more about sponsoring an entire show or an individual performance, download our general Sponsorship Info Sheet.
If you are interested in sponsoring one of our upcoming shows, please send an email to the current sponsorship representative.